
这首歌原为纪念流行歌舞巨星麦克尔.杰克逊的逝世而作, 借海贝以拟人的手法写成的。歌曲的主题思想是希望人们热爱生活,珍惜时光,让生命发光发热。 真诚期待更多的歌友演绎自己的《海贝情思》版本!

这里顺便附上美国某音乐学院音乐理论与作曲专业教授 Dr. Barnhart 对《海贝情思》的简单评论:

Thank you for sharing your music with me. It makes me happy to know more people who care about music and give the world more music. I believe music is desperately needed in our world to heal the ravages of life, intensify life's pleasures, and make little heavens for the soul to wander off to.

Permit me to compliment the lady's well-singing, your well-developed sense of melody and countermelody as well as arpeggios and flourishes that mark the change of sections and propel the piece forward. I am sure that Mr. Jackson would have been honored to be remembered in this way.

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